Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Elective posting with MERCY

Hello again.. after exam.. im back in KTDI for my elective posting.. huhuhu.. there's a mixture of feeling. Felt happy n at the same time still blur...

Yesterday was our first day in MERCY. We started as volunteer or intern.. Hmmm... 1st day must give good impression to them. We reach early at the hq.. aiya forgot to bring camera. The hq is in Daya bumi building. It's a nice place with 'nice' parking fees n food prize.. hahaha... The most expensive parking fees ever.. huhuhuhu...

We started our day with Volunteer Induction Program (VIP) by Abg Radzi.. no pict of him here but i'll try to take.. maybe d last day kot i put. It wasn't as boring as other talk.. very informative.. Code of Conduct.. SPHERE.. HAP..

Now Mr Raja came in to the scene, he's our boleh dikatakan manager la.. we were put under him in the Logistic department.. specifically THE WAREHOUSE.. soon i'll tell you the story of THE WAREHOUSE.. the casts, scene, plot.. the cast will be reveal after i caught a glimpse of them making this THE WAREHOUSE successful...

When to the scene area in bandar tasik selatan.. 'impressive'... 1st day was tiring.. i never felt this tired before..

But i got the feeling it will be very exciting and fun..